Deadline Ahead

The rain is falling. My sessions are light. The weekend promises to be quiet, and a good one for writing/research combination.

I have a deadline in nine days for a short story competition.

I know ‘what’ I want my entry to be ‘about’. I’m a little worried about some of the details. My confidence is that I won’t do the elements justice. I’m ok with that.

There is a 700 word limit to the story, which is both good and bad.

700 words is easy to get too.

700 words will require a concise discipline.

It’s an exciting challenge.

I am nearly one week into this writing world, and so far the gratification has been splendid.

Just having this medium to focus on has given me a sense of purpose I haven’t felt in a long time. For me, that is enough. I reach the end of my days looking forward to the next.

Maybe my personality is addictive, and writing is a drug.

In any case, I am doing this for me. I like it.

3 thoughts on “Deadline Ahead

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  1. I like to imagine that you are writing your stories, not for the rest of the world, but for you. Then, maybe one day, you’ll want to share that with the rest of the world…just maybe.


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